Monday, February 16, 2009

Stupid non-holiday

I wanted today off, too!

But I am at work again for another Monday, hooray! It is super annoying because all the doctor's offices I need to call are closed today so there isn't much I can ever do anyway. Oh well. I have lunch date today, though, so that is exciting! I am eating with a couple other women who work here, maybe I will manage to make some friends in time for my job to be over . . . =P

Anyway, I wanted mostly to make not a cranky post, but a happy one! I had a great weekend!

Greg took me out to the movies on Saturday and we saw He's Just Not That Into You. It was pretty entertaining and I was very happily surprised that Greg agreed to see such a chick movie with me. We also went out for Chinese for lunch which was fun, I have not been to a buffet in a long time and really like them. Also, after the movie we went to the comic book/gaming store downtown and Greg got me my own set of dice! I feel almost uncomfortable geeky admitting this, but I am sooooo excited about them! There were so many pretty ones to choose from! I liked the idea of a matching set, but there were too many cool ones to choose so I have a bunch of random but awesome dice. We compared them to the hypothetical flowers they replaced and decided that after all, they are just as bright and colorful, less expensive and last longer. The only thing flowers have on the dice are that they smell better. Greg then kept trying to think of ways to scent my dice, but we couldn't come up with anything that might also leave them sticky . . . oh well.

Unrelated to Valentine's day, but on Friday night we also watched a movie on netflix: Running With Scissors. I saw the preview for this movie a long time ago and thought it looked like it was going to be really good. In fact, it was pretty strange and disturbing. Not one of my better choices.

Anyway, it is about time for lunch so I am off!


  1. Um, dice? Like D&D dice?

    I...don't know if we can be friends anymore. I'm so sorry.


  2. Dice *like* D&D dice, but we actually don't play that game. We play World of Darkness. Also, some of your most awesome friends rp and you should try it sometime too, bwahaha!

  3. Ah, I see. (I used to rp, hehe.)

    So, guess what? Coraline's last week in 3D is this week! I don't know if it'll be around this weekend...keep checking!

  4. I don't mean that you won't be able to see Coraline in theaters at all...just not in 3D


    I <3 you?


Let's hear it!