Friday, March 13, 2009


Hmm, been a while since I've updated. I guess some things have happened.

First the bad parts:

-My great-grandmother died. She was my last living great-grandparent. It seemed pretty sudden, too. It was around Thanksgiving that we found out she had cancer, and then she died a couple weeks ago. So that was kind of a shock. I couldn't make it to the funeral or anything either as it was in Maine during the week.

-My parents have officially sold their house. Unless something really unexpected and crazy happens, they will be moving to Kansas in May. I cannot begin to express how unhappy this makes me. Also, it is possible that my mom might be pregnant again. That makes the fact that they are moving even worse as I would pretty much never see this new person. Probably I would meet it at Christmas or something and that is it. But we don't know yet.

Anyway, there are some good things too:

-I met my mentee last night. I have been waiting for TWO MONTHS for this to happen--there was so much waiting and training etc. But I finally met her last night and she is really cute. Also, she has a dog, two cats and a rabbit. I am super jealous. :) We are going out for the first time on Sunday. I don't know what we are going to do yet, I will have to think of something fun.

-My job at the hospital has been going really well. Everyone pretty much likes me here, and I have been enjoying it, especially the security part. It has been really, really hard to pay for school. I feel awful because I keep having to borrow money from Greg to pay my bills. (They are always really short term, like a week long until the next pay check, but I was *always* a week or two behind.) I have only very recently caught up and been able to start saving a little money. (Which is important since when I start student teaching I won't be able to work at all and I will still have to pay tuition. I really can't even think about that.) Anyway, I was starting to get nervous because it was only going to be full-time until the end of this month. However, today I found out that it got extended! I am now full-time until the end of May! Two more months with a steady pay check. I am extremely releived. And finally . . .

-I am getting a bunny! I have been too long without a pet. =P Technically, no pets are allowing in our apartment. However, Greg saw that someone else in the same unit has a cat. (It was peeking out the window.) He finally decided we can just get a bunny and hope the landlady doesn't find out. I don't see why she would, it isn't like they make any noise, and the landlady pretty much never comes unless something needs to be fixed, and then they give us plenty of warning. At some point they will have to come fix the shower, but even then we can probably just leave the bunny in the bedroom and lock the door. We'll have to wait and see after we get him how much noise he makes in his cage.

Also this weekend I am going to build his cage! I am very excited, I think it will be a fun project. (Even though I still haven't finished building my shelf . . .) It is hard to find a baby bunny in Vermont though. I keep reading the online Uncle Henry's (this is a periodical that comes out every Thursday in Maine and is filled with nothing but classifieds) and being sad that I don't live there anymore. There are *so* many bunnies for sale in Maine. I don't know how people sell and trade things in Vermont, I honestly don't. I've been looking primarily on Criagslist--the local paper has next to no classifieds at all. There are two people I have found in Vermont with litters of bunnies, but both are over an hour away and one of them only has medium sized rabbits, not dwarf ones, which would be better. The other place hasn't gotten back to me yet, I just left a message.

Anyway, those are the big developments of my recent life. Other than that there's been plenty of school which is going only sort of well. (I really hope this is my worst semester. I can really only imagine it getting better after this.)

Anyway, soon I will post pictures of the awesome bunny palace I build and then of my awesome bunny baby once I actually get him. :)


  1. Sorry about your Great-Grandma, sorry about your folks moving (Kansas, ew!), but YAY for a steady paycheck and DOUBLE YAY for a bunny! I am so excited!!! I can't wait to see pictures of him/her! I'm sure your bunny palace will be fantastic! You should totally paint it some crazy color(s). :)

    Hey, one of my cacti had a baby! It's growing at a slightly frightening you can be a bunny momma and I'll be a prickly pear mama! Ole! :)

  2. *hugs* I'm sorry about your Great-Grandma and your family moving so far away.

    But I'm glad everything else is going well! I'm jealous that you're getting a bunny. I wish I could have a pet here.

  3. Wow, I would be rather distraught if my family moved away like that. What's in Kansas? Is your dad relocating for work?

    Also, very sorry to hear about your GG. :(

    Your bunny is RIDIC cute. Are you and Greg living in the same place now?



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