Wednesday, February 4, 2009

This will be quick because I am almost out of work, hooray! Today was my first day alone on the job and it was pretty uneventful. (The other day someone coded during their cath . . . I don't know if they were able to save them or not.) A couple little quirky things, but not too much work really. That was fortunate because my application to Student Teach next spring is due today . . . and they only gave us five days to put it together so there was some panicing/last minute cover letter writing last night . . . and no actual homework was done. But I had plenty of time for regular homework today and I think my application is in good order. :) Also I signed up for Praxis II yesterday which is exciting in a weird standardized-test way.

Life has been so crazy busy lately. I didn't realize how much working 40 hours a week would be. I only have class two nights a week after that but I just never feel like I have any time. If I *don't* have class, I get home around 5:00, and between eating supper, showering and homework, there really sin't much time left before bed. (This is also due to the fact that I go to bed around 9:30 *sigh*)

This makes playing WoW incredibly difficult, haha. Poor Greg is in a tough spot because I get mad if he does any new content without me, but it is a rare night that I don't decide to go to bed instead of play. I am a bad hat.

Anyway, I am excited for tomorrow because 1. Greg and I are making tacos for supper. AND we finally have (I think) the right kind of corn flour for making homemade shells. I AM SO EXCITED. 2. Heather and I are hanging out after she gets out of class, although I don't really know what we'll end up doing.

BUT what I am soooooo excited for is this weekend! I officially have a ride home from Boston which I snagged off Craigslist so there is no question now about me going to Boston!!!!

I am counting down the hours.


  1. CRAIGSLIST????? Please tell me you're bringing pepper spray. And a bull horn. And mad martial arts skills.

  2. WOOOHOOO! I may interrogate/threaten your driver to be sure of your safety.

  3. Man, working full time and going to school sounds so hard. :( But you're SO AWESOME that I know you'll pull it off. Haha, sorry to hear that you don't have any time for WoW. :-P

    Have a great time in Boston!!!!


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