Monday, February 9, 2009

Back at work today, which was not a pleasant thing when I needed to get out of bed this morning, but not so bad now that I am here. I had plenty to do this morning which was good, I am only now getting a chance to do my own thing. (Homework will come soon, really.)

This weekend was amazing. It felt so good to see everyone again and be with people I can be myself around. There was good food and drinks, and great conversation. It was also fun to explore random streets (like when we were waiting for the brewery tour) and random stores (waiting to get into Border Cafe) and the weather could not have been more perfect.

My ride home was also as ideal as it possibly could have been with a stranger. My Craigslist benefactor was indeed a young woman and not a creepy man. :) She was very friendly and easygoing, and had great taste in music which made it less awkward because we sang the whole way home instead of trying to make conversation. Also, the ride home cost me about $2. I bought her a snack, but she didn't want me to pay for gas because she went down to Boston for a business conference and was getting reimbursed by her company. Pretty sweet deal for me!

I admit I was a little depressed upon coming home. The drive was so nice that I got itchy for a road trip, I am really starting to miss being able to pick up and drive somewhere randomly. Darn you nice weather! Luckily, I am sure it will be crappy out again soon. :) Also, I was not happy about the idea of going back to work/school after a weekend of fun. Oh well. I feel bad because I wasn't very excited when I got home, I hope that Greg doesn't take it personally. I was also really bored because we watched the Transformers movie and I thought it sounded cool but I didn't like it. I ate a lot of m&m's though. =D

Anyway, I feel much better today now that the routine has started again. You should all think about coming to visit sometime soon, though!

Ooh, update: Greg just texted me and I can go to kickboxing tonight! Hooray! There is going to be so much pain this week . . .


  1. I'm glad your ride worked out so well!

    When I got back to my apartment I felt instantly depressed. Will definitely have to visit you soon!

    P.S. Kickboxing pain is good pain!

  2. "Hooray! There will be so much pain this week..."

    I fail to see how these two sentences tie together. But it is so you-ish to say so. :)

    Sorry to hear your wanderlust is acting up...maybe you'll be able to do some driving/traveling over spring break, or summer?

  3. It was nice to see you too Alicia, and I'm glad you ride was not a creepy old man.


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