Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So here is my update on my new bunny! I already posted this picture on facebook, but I am putting it here as well because he is so cute. :)

So Saturday Greg and I went to go look at some bunnies for sale. The place we found was about an hour drive. When we got there we met the woman who raises them and she was very talkative. She said she has about 60-70 rabbits. There were a couple rows of cages in the yard. Some of the rabbits had very new babies that we saw; she showed us one that had died when it was a couple days old. (I am not sure why she showed it to us. It was pretty sad.) Anyway, she didn't have anything between a few days old and about 10 weeks old which was too bad. I was sort of hoping for something around 6-8 weeks old. But she showed us a couple that she was willing to sell--she had only a few specific ones she was willing to part with--some of the nicer and prettier ones were not available. But she showed us this little guy. He was really skittish and hard to catch because he ran back and forth in his cage so quickly to get away. This made me nervous because I wanted a friendly one. However, when I held him he didn't seem too scared and didn't try to escape. The only other place we knew of at the time was about an hour and a half away and I didn't really want to keep driving (or to make Greg keep driving as he was not terribly enthusiastic about the trip.) So I decided to give him a try.

He has bright blue eyes which is rare for a rabbit. Greg actually thinks this makes him look creepy, but I think he looks like a husky. :) I named his Rorschach because of his ink-splotchy back. Also, because it amuses me to imagine him using a really creepy voice.

We brought him home and he was very unhappy the entire drive. When we got home he just stayed crouched in a corner of the cardboard box we brought him in and would not come out or move at all. It was a really long time before he would even eat or drink anything and I was afraid he would die from being too stressed out. But eventually he did decide to take a drink and try some hay and he cheered up after that. He still wasn't very happy to be picked up or petted, Greg and I are pretty terrifying. He slept in the bedroom the first night but woke us up at 6am chewing his wooden blocks. Sunday I set his box up in the kitchen and introduced him to his litter box. Most of Sunday he went to the bathroom all over the place. Also, he still didn't want anything to do with us, if possible. He staked out a post on the Wii fit under one of Greg's chairs and watched us from there.

It is too bad he lived in a cage all his life, he is taking some time to adjust. He wasn't curious at all at first, he just wanted to sit on one place, I guess like he did in his cage. It was really funny watching him on the hardwood florrs though, he was slipping all around at first. A couple times I saw him lay on his belly and push himself backwards with his front feet. It was pretty adorable. =D

By Sunday night though he was finally getting a little bolder. Greg and I were watching a movie and he came up and sniffed Greg's feet. Later, he snuck over to the tv which has built in shelves. Greg keeps his video games there. One of them had a "used" sticker on it that was kind of sticking out. Rory crept over and grabbed the game by its sticker and tried to run off with it. Greg had to chase him and take it away. It was really funny. =D

Monday morning I got up for work and went to check on Rorschach. He had jumped over the plywood walls I used as a gate for him and was in the living room. I was afraid he would have left us stinky presents all over. But I was very surprised not to find any. Also, although there were some accidents on the newspaper near his food and water bowl, he had also used his litterbox for the first time. So I cleaned up the newspaper and Rory watched me. Then he came over and used his litter box again! What a good boy! I cleaned that out but left a couple poos in it so he would get the idea and went to work. Greg got up later for work and he didn't find any accidents.

When Greg got home for work in the early afternoon he said Rory had used his litter box a few times and still no accidents. When I got home Greg said he dropped two little poos under his favorite chair but then ran and finished in the litter box. That is the only accident he had all day.

We have had this bunny 3 days and he is already litter trained. He is the smartest bunny ever!

Now if only he would get used to us and learn to enjoy cuddling . . . we got some alfalfa sprouts so maybe we can bribe him into loving us soon haha.


  1. that little guy is so cute! and husky eyes are awesome :)

  2. What a cutie! I'm sure he'll warm up to you and cuddle soon.

  3. OH GODS I LOVE THE BLACK PATCH OVER HIS EYE!!! I hope that he comes to love you very much. How do you pronounce his name?


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