Monday, February 16, 2009

Stupid non-holiday

I wanted today off, too!

But I am at work again for another Monday, hooray! It is super annoying because all the doctor's offices I need to call are closed today so there isn't much I can ever do anyway. Oh well. I have lunch date today, though, so that is exciting! I am eating with a couple other women who work here, maybe I will manage to make some friends in time for my job to be over . . . =P

Anyway, I wanted mostly to make not a cranky post, but a happy one! I had a great weekend!

Greg took me out to the movies on Saturday and we saw He's Just Not That Into You. It was pretty entertaining and I was very happily surprised that Greg agreed to see such a chick movie with me. We also went out for Chinese for lunch which was fun, I have not been to a buffet in a long time and really like them. Also, after the movie we went to the comic book/gaming store downtown and Greg got me my own set of dice! I feel almost uncomfortable geeky admitting this, but I am sooooo excited about them! There were so many pretty ones to choose from! I liked the idea of a matching set, but there were too many cool ones to choose so I have a bunch of random but awesome dice. We compared them to the hypothetical flowers they replaced and decided that after all, they are just as bright and colorful, less expensive and last longer. The only thing flowers have on the dice are that they smell better. Greg then kept trying to think of ways to scent my dice, but we couldn't come up with anything that might also leave them sticky . . . oh well.

Unrelated to Valentine's day, but on Friday night we also watched a movie on netflix: Running With Scissors. I saw the preview for this movie a long time ago and thought it looked like it was going to be really good. In fact, it was pretty strange and disturbing. Not one of my better choices.

Anyway, it is about time for lunch so I am off!

Friday, February 13, 2009

In response to a recently read article:

I just read a post from Amanda's blog and at the end she makes a plug for the blog Gender Agenda. Because I am at work and therefore bored, I followed the link that she included to the article she recommended starting with. I enjoyed the article and I especially enjoyed the comments that followed, although I only read the first three or four before becoming a little uncomfortable. (I share my office with three other people and didn't want them to look over and not really understand what I was reading about, just see SEX everywhere.) =D So I may finish them when I am home.

This article addresses something that has always bothered and confused me, and for a long time made me think I was anti-feminist. (Don't be too mad!) I was under the impression that feminism was well-intended but misguided and sought to achieve a sort of "equality" that was in actuality much more beneficial to men than then women they hoped to be "liberating." Don't get me wrong, I am very glad to be able to vote and to be able to work in any career I choose. However, it seemed to me that the end result was that women now *have* to work--our economy has become such that it is almost impossible for a family to be supported by only one family member--to me this seems almost a form of slavery. What bothered me the most, however, was reading articles about how women should not be ashamed of stripping, having lots of random sex, etc. I was under the impression that this was one of the most important agendas of feminism: the right of every woman to act like a slut and not feel bad about it. (Sorry if this seems harsh.)

My problem with this idea did not simply come from my being a prude. (Seriously!) What bothered me was that these women seemed to think that it was crucial to the happiness of all women that they be having sex! Whether you like having sex or not, it is foolish to think that this is what we need to become equal to men. This makes us nothing if not more dependent on them and less sure of our self-worth without some man validating it for us.

This relates to my anger with the media, an anger which is not just for women but for children, too. It seems to me that under the guise of being more "open-minded" or some similar virtue, the media has been increasing the amount of explicit sex in movies and like venues. I see this simply as propaganda for the above mentioned campaign. Women see beautiful women in movies portrayed as if they wield some kind of power which is linked to their sexuality. Seducing men: what greater power can there be?

It makes me even angrier when they go after children though, particularly young girls. This is generally pretty transparently for money. This is old news now, but there was a mini-scandal in Burlington a few months ago over some snowboards Burton Mountain produced. This is the best article I could find about it now. Basically, the company released two different lines of snowboards with pictures on the bottom: "Love" which pictured Playboy models and Primo which depicts self-mutilation. I'm going to be honest and say the latter makes me even angrier although the former certainly got more press. (The annoying thing about the whole situation is how much press they got for it, and how many boards they consequently sold.) I like (sarcasm) how the article opens with a tone of surprise that such a "laidback" and "progressive" town would get so riled up about this. So, I haven't been in education that long, but I have been around children my whole life. Many of them are, sadly, very susceptible to pressure--from their peers and from the media. These snowboards are pretty cool looking to a kid. I am not even saying that they would make a kid who didn't cut him or herself start because it seemed cool. However, self-mutilation is a serious problem and it happens more than you might think. The fact that anyone could have considered this an acceptable picture actually makes me sick.

Pictures of suffering are not decorative. But maybe that's just me.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Holy crap guys this is the most awesome thing I have read in a long time. Ryan North who writes Dinosaur comics made a link to it and I want in!

READ THE JOB DESCRIPTION. You have to feed fish. And blog once a week. AND LIVE IN A CORAL REEF IN AUSTRALIA.

Sorry for the all-caps but--seriously.

And I realize my chances are likely as small as winning the lottery but damn it all I need to find a video camera to make my application video!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I saw this on Amanda's blog and am reposting it only because this story is so great: For Christmas, my two year old son received two toy monster trucks which he promptly named Comfort and Joy. There is one about a chicken above it which I was going to post first, but this one made me think of my brother Jonathan who wanted to name my brother Michael "Trailer-hitch" when he was born.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I just made our group bed picture my desktop background at work. It makes me very happy, even here.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Back at work today, which was not a pleasant thing when I needed to get out of bed this morning, but not so bad now that I am here. I had plenty to do this morning which was good, I am only now getting a chance to do my own thing. (Homework will come soon, really.)

This weekend was amazing. It felt so good to see everyone again and be with people I can be myself around. There was good food and drinks, and great conversation. It was also fun to explore random streets (like when we were waiting for the brewery tour) and random stores (waiting to get into Border Cafe) and the weather could not have been more perfect.

My ride home was also as ideal as it possibly could have been with a stranger. My Craigslist benefactor was indeed a young woman and not a creepy man. :) She was very friendly and easygoing, and had great taste in music which made it less awkward because we sang the whole way home instead of trying to make conversation. Also, the ride home cost me about $2. I bought her a snack, but she didn't want me to pay for gas because she went down to Boston for a business conference and was getting reimbursed by her company. Pretty sweet deal for me!

I admit I was a little depressed upon coming home. The drive was so nice that I got itchy for a road trip, I am really starting to miss being able to pick up and drive somewhere randomly. Darn you nice weather! Luckily, I am sure it will be crappy out again soon. :) Also, I was not happy about the idea of going back to work/school after a weekend of fun. Oh well. I feel bad because I wasn't very excited when I got home, I hope that Greg doesn't take it personally. I was also really bored because we watched the Transformers movie and I thought it sounded cool but I didn't like it. I ate a lot of m&m's though. =D

Anyway, I feel much better today now that the routine has started again. You should all think about coming to visit sometime soon, though!

Ooh, update: Greg just texted me and I can go to kickboxing tonight! Hooray! There is going to be so much pain this week . . .

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

This will be quick because I am almost out of work, hooray! Today was my first day alone on the job and it was pretty uneventful. (The other day someone coded during their cath . . . I don't know if they were able to save them or not.) A couple little quirky things, but not too much work really. That was fortunate because my application to Student Teach next spring is due today . . . and they only gave us five days to put it together so there was some panicing/last minute cover letter writing last night . . . and no actual homework was done. But I had plenty of time for regular homework today and I think my application is in good order. :) Also I signed up for Praxis II yesterday which is exciting in a weird standardized-test way.

Life has been so crazy busy lately. I didn't realize how much working 40 hours a week would be. I only have class two nights a week after that but I just never feel like I have any time. If I *don't* have class, I get home around 5:00, and between eating supper, showering and homework, there really sin't much time left before bed. (This is also due to the fact that I go to bed around 9:30 *sigh*)

This makes playing WoW incredibly difficult, haha. Poor Greg is in a tough spot because I get mad if he does any new content without me, but it is a rare night that I don't decide to go to bed instead of play. I am a bad hat.

Anyway, I am excited for tomorrow because 1. Greg and I are making tacos for supper. AND we finally have (I think) the right kind of corn flour for making homemade shells. I AM SO EXCITED. 2. Heather and I are hanging out after she gets out of class, although I don't really know what we'll end up doing.

BUT what I am soooooo excited for is this weekend! I officially have a ride home from Boston which I snagged off Craigslist so there is no question now about me going to Boston!!!!

I am counting down the hours.