Sunday, June 28, 2009

Oh hai again . . .

Sorry, I dropped almost completely off of the blogging world. I have been busy, but the real reason is lack of attention span. I have been unable to sit still and read or write during any of the little free time I have had lately so blogging was not an option. This week however, starting tonight, I am spending on a required course where I have to live in a dorm, eat college food and attend classes from 8am to 9pm every day. I still have homework left to do tonight, but the old college procrastination has set in and I am ready to blog. =D

Following are a briefing on recent events in no particular order.

1. Last night I tried to smoke a cigar. Greg and I went to a baby shower for his new-born twin cousins last weekend in NJ and they gave them out. We watched some youtube videos to learn how it is done and tried it on our porch. First off, they are surprisingly spicy. At least this one was. Unsurprisingly, they also taste like ass. Also, I was so afraid I was going to inhale and destroy my lungs that it was almost impossible for me to get any smoke in my mouth at all. Greg got pretty good at it and was almost able to blow smoke rings. Neither of us vomited or are addicted to the vile things, thank God.

2. A couple weekends ago I went to a friend's bachelorette party. There, I experienced my very first pedicure. I had no idea what to expect. I will never have one again. I enjoyed having my feet in hot soapy water. I did not enjoy someone touching them. Or scraping all my hard-earned summer-feet callouses off. Or massaging them way too hard. Or doing whatever it was they did to my cuticles. I was gripping the arms of my chair so my knuckles were white and sweating the entire time while trying to be polite and smile at the girl torturing* me. She was nice, after all. But . . .

3. I told Greg about it and he was inspired to buy little tubs for us to have foot baths, haha. So we did that one night (of course it has been way to hot lately to do that again) while we played Magic cards. You heard that right. I have descended to a whole new (and shameful) level of geekdom.

4. A bit ago my sister came to visit me in VT and we went looking for wedding dresses. I didn't get one yet (it feels way too soon still since we don't even have a location or a more specific date than "maybe next May . . .?") but it was surprisingly fun. Here are a couple pics:

I really liked this one. The next two are both of my very favorite ever, although neither really looks nearly as pretty in these pictures as they did in real life. Both are about twice my budget though so we have to keep looking, haha. :)

In other news, my family is apparently settled in Kansas. I've seen some pictures of the house and it is nicer than I expected. Also, my parents mentioned that I am engaged to my grandparents which I see as a good sign--they are not completely ignoring it and hoping it goes away . . . even though they haven't talked to me about it at all or mentioned it to Greg, not a single word, the one time they came to visit us in VT before they moved. Sometime soon I need to make them talk to me about it though, I would like to at least talk a little before we set a date, etc. We'll see.

This weekend Greg and I are going to NJ to hang out with some of his friends from high school whom I am also friends with now. We are going to a water park. I am SO excited.

Anyway, that is long enough for now and I really need to start my homework. Miss you all!

*Note to self: Never, ever again google image search the word torture. :'( I had to do an extensive search on puppies after that.


  1. Alicia! WHERE will you be in NJ this weekend?????

    I also do not understand the point of rubbing off calluses before autumn.

    The thought of you carefully smoking a cigar really cracked me up!

    And you are going to make such a beautiful bride!!!

  2. Yes for posting again! I've always wondered what cigars were like - a guy smoking one interrogated us about what we were doing by the river the other day, and said he was smoking one because they supposedly keep away mosquitoes (which is major points for them), but the smell of their smoke suggests they'd taste just as gross as you described.

    Wedding dress shopping and water parks and parties! Hope your summer keeps being awesome :)

  3. That second one is beautiful! Wow!

    Also, that is a REALLY cute puppy. Well searched.

  4. Good to hear from you!

    I'd probably have the same reaction to a pedicure as you. My mom is trying to convince me to get one for my sister's wedding. I refuse.

    And I'm amazed that you tried a cigar. A friend of mine smokes them, and I just don't understand the appeal.

    I tried to understand Magic Cards once and gave up. Granted, I was also running a fever when at a friend's house where they were playing.

    Yay for pretty wedding dresses and puppies! It sounds like you're making progress with your family, however small. I wish you the best of luck! (With them and with school.) Have fun wedding planning and at the water park!

  5. Well I think it is important that someone speaks in support of you playing magic which is awesome. So YAY for magic! Also I'm sad I haven't seen you for a long time, don't let the stress get to you totally pwn it instead


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