Monday, May 4, 2009


I'm engaged!

<3<3<3 =D

Friday, May 1, 2009

Because I have homework I should be doing, I thought it would be a good time to update. ;)

So, I guess the most important thing that has happened is that my dad wrote back to me. I got his letter last Friday. It was very long and made me cry a lot, but I am not disowned. He apologized for failing in his most important duty (setting me up to be a saint) and told me he will continue to pray for my reconversion, which he will have plenty of opportunities for in Kansas. Anyway, I feel really sad because I know I am causing my family a lot of pain, but I am glad that they will still talk to me. I am going home this weekend for my last visit although my dad will not be there. He is in Kansas already, remodeling the house in the two weeks he has before they all move down. He'll fly home right before they all drive down together though and they plan to meet Angela and me in Vermont on their way down.

Anyway, I am looking forward to this weekend for visiting home as well as visiting Colby. It will be nice to stop in again even briefly.

Other interesting things . . . Also on Friday I got my hair cut with my sister. I also got highlights which I have never done before, but I am not a huge fan of them. I like that my hair is short again though; I have decided that I don't like it long anymore. I am ever grateful for relay for life last year for showing me the light. ;)

Another interesting thing that I am doing is participating in a brain imaging study for women that UVM is doing. I am excited because it means I get to have two MRI's! I have never had one before. I went in for my preliminary meeting this morning (at 6:45 ugh) where they made me give them a bunch of definitions for really random words. The first word they asked me to define was bird. I was like, "Umm, it has wings? And a beak? Oh also feathers. And it lays eggs!" Real scholarly like. =P It was hard to make up definitions for all those random words, especially so early in the morning with no time for breakfast!

They also had a really hard time drawing my blood which was annoying. My arm is starting to feel less sore now though, which is good. Now I have to do some tests in a while to see when I am ovulating haha. Once I am it's MRI TIME! Yay!

Also, next weekend (after this one) I am going to Rhode Island to visit Tom Hulse and see the new Star Trek movie, haha. Also Joel will probably come, too. I am also really looking forward to that.

And sometime in the more distant future, Greg is planning a role-playing reunion which I am invited to which will *hopefully* include Adrian, KT, Mike and Claire!!!! as well as Claire's boyfriend and potentially some other random people. We don't know where it will be yet, but everyone seems determined to make it happen and I am soooo excited! Also, Greg already has a story planned out and he is really excited about it so it should be good. Now I have to think up a character . . .

Anyway, today I was looking through old pictures on facebook (since facebook is all I do all day at work . . . I really need to start bringing some books in to read) and I was really missing you people again. (Also, really really really wishing we could do steps again =P) Once our semesters are all over we need another reunion! And there needs to be a Heather involved! And a Melanie if possible! Remember, we have plenty of room up here in VT hint hint hint. But I am totally willing to travel again as well. =D I just miss you! Good luck with the rest of your semesters those of you who are in that boat! I guess I better get back to writing lessons . . . blegh . . .